Only Days Left – Start earning your World Cup Promo Rewards in November and December!
Sign up for the promo inside the imaXcash member area and earn your prize in November and December! The promo period starts next Tuesday!
The full table of rewards is below👇

Earn $250 and more in new paid initial joins and earn your prize during the promo period in November and December!
🍏In January, five lucky winners from those who qualify, will win a prize from various Apple products!
Full details and custom stats will be available in the imaXcash affiliate area during the promo period. See the full Terms and Conditions below.
Get your promotion ready and go with the winner – imaXcash!
Terms and Conditions:
- The promo is valid for all active revenue share or CPA offers in imaXcash
- The promo period is 1.11. – 31.12.2022
- The promo threshold value is calculated from the commission earned on initial (new) payments, generated during the promo period
- The such overview will be made available to the affiliate during the promo period
- Each affiliate that reaches a particular earnings threshold, can select exactly one prize belonging to that exact earnings threshold
- In addition to that, there are top 5 prizes that will be drawn in a raffle (1. Macbook Air M1, 2. iPhone 13, 3. iPad Air, 4. Apple Watch SE, 5. Airpods 3rd generation)
- Each affiliate, that earns at least $ 250 in initial (new) payments during the promo period, automatically qualifies for the Top 5 prizes raffle
- The winners of the Top 5 prizes raffle will be announced in January 2023
- Respective winners will be contacted by their account manager in order to confirm their current address, prize details, and contact information
An affiliate promotes revenue share / CPA offers in imaXcash and generates $ 550 commission in initial payments during the promo period. This means he meets the $ 500 prize threshold and can select one of the prizes available for the $ 500 threshold.
On top of that, he earned more than $ 250 from initial payments during the promo period, which means he qualifies for the top 5 Prizes raffle.