Who today still surfs without Firewall and virus protection on the Internet, is really taking their security light-hearted. Everywhere there are Trojans, malware, phishing attacks and other fraudulent measures that can spread quickly on the computer and cause enormous damage. At the moment, many people are annoyed with a Skype worm, for example, which is spreading rapidly. Not a nice situation, because an unconsidered click can have a massive impact.
Google has been using a secure Internet for a long time and warns, for example, in the Chrome browser of infected websites, if any threats are detected. Now they want to go a step further and impose penalties for such websites, which always show security gaps. Whoever is classified as dangerous in the future must expect a 30-day barrier.
In the Google blog it is written: Pages, whose behavior change within a short time again and again between conformity and non-conformity, are regarded as repeat offenders. And for this they are punished for 30 days with barriers, which are recognizable in the form of a large warning sign. Thus, the site visitor does not see the content of the page, but just this warning sign. As a site operator, a message with a reference to the blocking is sent via the Google Search Console and a re-verification can be requested after the end of the penalty.
What is still important in this context is that sites that have been hacked and therefore have a security breach should not be affected by these violations. So it is really only those who specifically target malicious programs. Whether this distinction will always work reliably remains to be seen.