Even if you no longer need your own domains to make money online today, most of us already have some. Particularly popular are endings such as .com or .net – but in recent years, other endings have become more or less popular and often exotic domain endings are used for branding. However, this is not all there is to know about domains. Rather, there are a lot of interesting facts!
Did you know that the system with the domain name was invented in 1983? Or that no fees for domains have been incurred by 1995? It is also interesting to note that the one-hundredth .com domain was already registered in 1987 – and apple.com was the 64th registered domain! And while you can register domains with endings like .tk, .cc and .ga as well as some others still free, for a .ng $ 40000 is required annually.
These and other facts about domains have been summarized in a great infographics at Webmasters jury!