News from social media

social-1148035_640New features and options for marketing are always nice, but currently in social media every day there is so much news that soon from now we will no longer know what one should take a closer look at to reap the benefeits. As a result, we have included today in this post along with two new features of different networks together, which may be of some interest to you.

The first set of news is of particular interest to our partners from Germany. Instagram has now finally released the new features that people from other countries could use for quite some time now such as business profiles, statistics and highlighting popular posts have now been released for german accounts. With the business profiles, there are now improved ways customers can contact you directly and you can also publish addresses. Private profiles can easily be converted into a business profile.

The new statistics are of interest to those who like to work with data and adapt the activities to the users even more. Information about demographics, reach, impressions, etc. are outputted now. What is going particularly well, you can now highlight where the posts easily turned into an ad with a button for the call-to-action.

Twitter stickers!

Even with Twitter there are news. The company is struggling currently with rather poor quarterly results and have to open up to become more attractive. So they extended the interactive stickers that have been around for a few weeks for photos, and uses it as an additional marketing opportunity for companies. Brands can use it in the future by publishing sticker sets in which they accommodate four to eight own creations.

To start, there is a campaign of Pepsi. Under “#sayitwithpepsi” you can now choose between 50 sponsored stickers and you can add them easily to your photos. Clicking the sticker reveals basically, who else has used it. An exciting opportunity for marketing on Twitter – we will see how many stickers actually appear in the timelines.
