Chrome is the most used browser!

browser-773216_640-300x212Do you remember the days when you had to optimize websites for Internet Explorer separately? There was no end of difficulties using the Microsoft browser, with all its display errors and restrictions that made the job so much harder.

Many website owners despairing, but it was a job that had to be done – after all, most users used Internet Explorer. Fortunately, it’s the past and today it was announced, Chrome is now the most used browser worldwide!

As we know from our work most webmasters use the Chrome browser made by Google for a long time. Especially when you also work with many other Google services (Docs, Drive, etc.), it would seem the best workflow. But the Chrome browser also has other advantages, with speed and tons of useful plugins.

What is known by online workers for a long time, now seems to have arrived at the users level because Chrome is now officially the most used browser in the world! This is what the market research firm Net Market Share found out and as they show in their data, that in April 2016, Internet Explorer is replaced as the most-used browser by Chrome. It is, however, a pretty close. . The Chrome browser thus setting a market share of 41.66% in April 2016, while Internet Explorer is still used by 41.35% of the users, and Firefox with 9.76% usage share.

What about you? Which browser do you use the most?

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