
Total 467 Posts

Guetzli makes JPEG even slimmer

There are some image formats that are used for graphics online. Each of them have advantages and disadvantages and therefore requires a justification. A big advantage of JPEG files has always been the small file size – and thanks to the Google engineers you can further reduce this already small

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Overcoming language barriers

Internationalization does not stop in front of our industry either. For many years, many webmasters have relied on the distribution of their projects abroad and are looking forward to new target groups, more visitors and new sales potential. We also offer with imaXcash the opportunity to become active in more

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A little Nerd Porn for between

Not only the hearts of full-blooded developers are a bit higher when it comes to code and its complexity but also other nerds know the beauty of a well-written program code so much to win and would certainly like to take a closer look here and there. For those who

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Have you already conquered the USA?

With our offerings for new countries in recent months, we made a lot of webmasters happy – because they can work much more internationally and it is no wonder that especially one country was particularly interesting for many: the USA! With 325 million inhabitants, the United States has the third-highest

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Paying by face-detecting systems?

Technology advances year by year and what was unimaginable some time ago can soon be possible. Particularly great advances are made whether it’s in medicine, the automotive industry or in the field of artificial intelligence, it is only inevitable for new technologies to be developed which benefits us on the

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