Learning Web Development Made Easy

Staying on top of the latest trends or learning a thing or two can be what makes a difference, how much time do you spend on further education? Probably not enough, at least that’s the case with most of us. There’s surely plenty of tutorials, courses, masterclasses, lectures available, some even for free – but where to begin?

If one’s on a search to learn something new, even at Youtube are countless options. That’s exactly the problem though – there’s too much to choose from. When it comes to web development, there’s Codetalks, a platform that makes it easy, to find the right videos for any given topic. There are hundreds of Videos for the topics such as javascript, Ruby on Rails, Python and much more. It’s mostly excerpts from lectures given at trade events or seminars.

For the ease of use, Codetalks has all the videos available at Youtube, with tags and further recommendations. Further information then includes an examples of the code or similar useful commentary. If you want to improve your skills when it comes to web development – Codetalks is worth checking out.
