New banner in imaXcash

ceec45f4-f64e-42aa-a6b2-1546ad454d2eIn the recent weeks we have designed, tested, revised and now present new banner, with which you can capture the attention of your visitors. Because even if it is so warm, and many are on vacation, we absolutely notice no summer slump with dating. The desire for hot dates so is there now and you should use it.

Due to the demands of the webmaster we once take action on banner size 300×300, created a new set and brought online. As mentioned above, the banners were of course tested before release and optimized so they achieve the best conversion for you. Of course, the banners have been created for different countries, so you can apply offers in DE, CZ, SK, SR, HR, RO, PL with them.

So go to imaXcash and test the new banner on your sites. You are not registered in imaXcash? Then it is high time, because in addition to at least 70 percent commission, you can also save a 1000 $ SignUp bonus. So there is no reason not to be there!

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