Kill Analytics wants to distort data

hand-982072_640Those who actively work on websites, pursue a goal that ist dependent on one thing: data in the form of statistics. With tools like Google Analytics, Piwik and others, we analyze our visitors and their behavior on our websites. We would like to know how many visitors we have, where they come from, how long they stay on the site, and which sites they visit. Based on this data, we adjust our SEO and marketing strategies and plan our next steps.

But what happens when we no longer have this data available or is it distorted and we can no longer trust it? Many have been struggling with the fact that Google is no longer transmitting the keywords for search queries, so we do not really know what keywords a visitor used to visit our pages. Especially for SEOs, this was an important point. Over time, we have become accustomed to having this data no longer available and accessing others to optimize our marketing.

Although the vendors of statistics are not likely to conceal further data in the near future, some people would like to interfere with the collection of the data from the outside and have planned a Chrome extension named KillAnalytics, which should provide all analytics tools with incorrect data. On the website, you can read that Kill Analytics is running in the background, sending additional data to the server that affects the capture of the actual data when you visit a website. Thus, false data is sent that will prevent website owners from trusting their tools.

The expansion is scheduled to be available from November 1, and according to the makers of Kill Analytics, their tests have shown that already ten percent of incorrect data is sufficient to render the statistics unusable. With this, the makers want to bring about a rethinking and companies should stop collecting data. It remains to be seen whether the browser extension reaches enough distribution to actually become the problem. If so, it is certainly not a pleasant scenario with which we then have to deal with all.

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