We do not have to worry about rules like “mobile first” because they have arrived in everyday life and they have become a standard, as Google presents us with new challenges. It has been discovered and tested in many places, up to eight videos are currently displayed in a grid above the actual search results and are attracting attention, especially in mobile search. So in the future, is it “video first” when it comes to the optimization strategy?
For some time, videos have been a high priority amongst users. Instead of actively reading something, it’s better to watch a video to consume the content. This is easier, partly entertaining and possible in almost all subject areas. Of course, Google, who is also ahead of the pack in terms of videos with YouTube, tracks the behavior very precisely and then uses this data to offer users what they want to see in the search results. That seems to be more and more videos. Videos have been appearing a lot more frequently in the search results for some time now. When it comes to mobile search, however, there are now some right video raster, which are output on the actual search results. This type of content is therefore preferred.
Depending on the search term, video rasters with four to eight clips could be detected – if the search term contained the words “video” or “clip”, it was even more. These “new” SERPs were noted above all for searches that are suitable for tutorials, but also in the entertainment area. Of course, most of the videos are shown, which were published on Youtube. So Google is here consciously using a way that pushes moving images even further into the foreground. That has implications for SEO strategies that were previously designed only for text and image. This is already easy to see, especially in English-speaking countries and it can be assumed that this trend will also take hold worldwide.
So for anyone who uses SEO to generate traffic to the sites, it’s up to them to work with, optimize, and have a greater chance of landing in the SERPs. Of course, the other contents and optimization measures should not be neglected, because they too have their justification and are the next step in the customer journey after the video. In addition, there are still enough users who have not yet succumbed to the thrill of video content.