A lot of fun – with a message in the background!

A good design and an easy user guidance should be the standard on every website. However, the fact that we are still a long way from this, shows many practical examples every day. Cumbersome forms, links in the wrong place and chat boxes over the actual content or even buttons show us again and again that there is still a lot to do. What is even more impressive is User Inyerface shows us the errors that can be made in the design.

Behind User Inyerface hides a browser game by the design agency Bagaar, which hereby runs a piece of marketing – and also shows us all, how important a good design with clear structures for the user experience is. In the game you do not hold it for more than a few seconds without cursing loudly. Here, nothing is just right and again and again we are misled or faced with the task of completely eliminating our brain. Even with common sense you will not get far in this little game!

Whether you’re looking for the right link to get to the next page or just having to answer the cookie query the other way round … with User Inyerface, all the rules that we know about good design are turned in the opposite direction and that shows how it can be confusing if something does not work exactly as we know and expect it. For example, when did you last have to manually clear a value from a text input field to enter your data? Not so far away from the reality is the help-window, which lays over a part of the form and thus does not make it possible to send it off. In order to get it off, it takes a little patience and understanding.

Is this all done and also the annoying popups in between you have all clicked away? Then look forward to the selection of your interests, which can be really annoying. It goes on with sliders that show no value and other small deceptions that we all probably fall for. But that’s not the highlight, because that comes only with the captcha, which seems to come directly from hell. Here it takes probably countless attempts to get through. Once that’s done, you’re almost cheered by the creators of the game on the last page, and you’ll also get the time you needed before. The top scores are probably around 5 minutes!
