How to … get more traffic with instructions

The Internet is known to answer almost all questions, and so a lot of search queries starts with the words How to …? These search queries, according to Google, have been rewarded in the last 13 years by 140 percent, with instructions of different kinds. They all have one thing in common: they attract the visitors and, if they are well-made and optimized, then they are a true traffic guarantor.

Of course, these search queries are very popular with those who deal with repairs or instructions for other things of daily life. So if you want to repair your washing machine or the broken bicycle tire, ask Google. It is also often asked for instructions on how to tie a tie, and there are also many who are interested in how to make pancakes or earn money. So if you earn money with such things, you can get revenue out there if you are going to work on it.

Interesting are such * How to … * articles but also in the dating area. Here, too, people are looking for instructions on how to get to know a man or a woman, use dating services correctly, fill profiles, formulate messages and much more. Google itself leads in the list of the most popular “How to …” search queries also a few, which can be used with some imagination well to generate traffic and thus, of course, also in the second step to generate leads. This includes:

– How to kiss
– How to get pregnant
– How to fall in love
– How to plan the perfect date
– How to be a single

These are there first ideas how to use this for your business? Besides of course, it is also possible to make e-books from such instructions, which can either be issued against the e-mail address or sold. There are plenty of possibilities – you just have to use them!
