Clear keyword sets make it easy

Before starting a new project, the keyword research is always on the ToDo list. There are a lot of tools you can find by matching keywords and you can surely work with several of them. Usually a few hundred suitable items come together. If you use synonyms the research quickly becomes confusing, only if you summarize it in a list, for example. To keep the viewer in mind, you can use mind mapping tools like XMind.

XMind is a free tool, which is available as a portable and installation variant. With it, traditional mindmaps can be produced, which can be designed differently and adapted to the individual requirements. This makes keyword sets very clear and synonyms can be listed exactly where they belong. With markers, you quickly get order in the keyword masses and then recognize at a glance what is important and what is negligible.

Such keyword sets are then not only to be used once, but can also be used as a starting point for later research. This makes the application even more interesting.
Of course, many other daily work with mind maps can be organized or simplified. There are no limits to the imagination!
