90% of websites without organic traffic?

The times in which interested users have entered domains directly are long gone. Today, Google is used to find the desired results through keywords and a look at the statistics shows that even complete URLs are entered not in the browser bar, but in Google’s search box. It seems that almost nothing goes without Google. It is all the more surprising that a study of 1 billion websites has shown that 90 percent of them do not get organic Google traffic at all.

Ahrefs, an SEO tool provider, has analyzed where Google’s traffic actually flows. After all, countless searches are made worldwide every day. It would have to benefit many websites, right? So, 1 billion websites were analyzed for the study and it looked at how many websites get traffic through Google and why some do not. The result was surprising: Nine out of ten websites will not get visitors through Google!

Conversely, just 10% of the websites benefit from the search engine, whereby it was also looked at more closely. Of the 10 percent, over 4 percent are still under 10 visitors via Google each month – and only 0.3 percent of analyzed websites can generate more than 1,000 monthly visitors via search engines. Of course, there were also parameters in the study that influenced the outcome – but despite everything, it shows a clear direction.

In addition to the analysis, there are of course also tips on what the 90 percent should do. One of the most important things about Ahrefs is the link building. Good backlinks are still important and can be more successful. As a second point, the keyword research was also addressed. If you focus on bad keywords from the beginning, you will not be successful either. It is important keywords are used that are really in the focus of the users. So it’s the basics that can make a difference!
