Category: Groupnews-EN

Total 627 Posts

SERP & Rich Snippet Testing

With SEO many things play a role. Some are always in the present and we always keep them in mind – others are more likely to go in the background and we often forget to look after them. A good example of the things we are likely to forget are

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Conquer the USA now!

What do you think of if given the opportunity too speak to nearly 50 million potential customers? Does that sound good? Of course it does! With your average conversion rate you can now hear that money till ringing in your ears, right? What seems like a beautiful dream can soon

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imaXcash Help Center

imaXcash is now for several months on the market. A new system of course there are also always new questions. If you were an active webmaster at Love Money or 69Cash, perhaps you did not immediately find everything when changing in imaXcash. For this reason, we have not only a

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Dating fever in Spain

Wow, we’re really not often speechles. It’s unbelievable that you’ve been spamming us with Spanish traffic in the last two weeks, and the question is: Is there any chance to buy some Spanish dating traffic anyway or have you used up all resources? In any case, Spain seems to have

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More new banners

This is the week of new banner in our company. Despite AdBlocker and other obstacles, they are still on the list of the most popular advertising media and are therefore often asked for by our webmasters. The requests for new banners, and of course, we have delivered a big package

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Google wants more security on the Internet

Who today still surfs without Firewall and virus protection on the Internet, is really taking their security light-hearted. Everywhere there are Trojans, malware, phishing attacks and other fraudulent measures that can spread quickly on the computer and cause enormous damage. At the moment, many people are annoyed with a Skype

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New banner for Spanish traffic!

For two weeks now our new offer for the Spanish market was launched and many of our partners have now taken the time to test the offer extensively. Some already had spanish traffic, so they were able to guide the offer and test conversions – others have bought spanish traffic

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SEO in 2017

How do you know that the year is slowly drawing to a close? Exactly, there are first reviews of the current year and, of course, also views on the year ahead. What will next year have to offer? What will change in our business? In this digital age, everything is

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