Just sell more

Are you satisfied with your sales? Many of our partners answer this question with a yes – but do not mind if they can get more out of the collaboration. For this we are constantly working on the products and many other things in the background. But you can also do a lot to make it work better. Two areas are particularly important for this: analysis and psychology.

Analysis is a concept for all of us. Anyone making money online should have tools that tell you where customers are coming from, how long they stay and so on. It’s also important to get started just by getting more out of existing traffic. Instead of just looking at the number of visitors and maybe even looking at their origins, it’s better to look at other things. For example, how visitors move around the site, where they click links and where they cancel their visit. These are the points on which you can work – and then have a quick impact on sales.

But analysis also includes a critical view to the offer. Is the design still up-to-date? Is it made easy for the visitor to become a customer? Was too much or too little promised? Again, a small change is often the key to more sales. After the analysis there may be testing a little on whether there was a change in the colors, the arrangement of content or graphics as it is already the decisive factor for a sales increase.

If you have already put all sorts of levers to increase sales through analysis and the outcome results and insights, then it’s time for psychology. Mostly because selling is in the end nothing other than that – even online. Many years ago it was found out by tests which measures would bring success and yet they are not given much attention – either in advertising or on the website itself. The Internet is full of articles on the subject and there are also countless books. Of course, as an impulse we also give you a few terms that you should think about. This includes:

– shortage
– Troubleshooting
– Price presentation

The aim of the sales psychological measures is to give the visitor a good feeling and create an environment in which he considers the purchase as the only logical action that offers him countless advantages. And there really is a lot to do!
