Even if it is rather rare in the adult industry: some affiliate programs rely on the referrer when it comes to the allocation of sales. If this is the case, problems can arise for all those who are using WordPress and have installed the latest update. Since then, certain links
Category: Groupnews-EN
What do you really know about Norway – except for a particular sweater named after the country? Some may have already gone on vacation, but most do not really know much about the Scandinavian country. But it is extremely interesting, especially in the commercial sense. Online dating services have been
In marketing, nothing works without data, at least not if success is only to be recognized in sales. Instead, we all deal with website visitors, click behaviors, hold times, conversions and many other metrics to help us understand why we are successful or not. This data is then further optimized
In the last week we reported in the blog of a new ad blocker, who does his work much better than the previously known. This was not exactly good news. Now there are rumors, however, which could have a lot more impact on businesses on the Internet: Has Google plan
Sit in pubs and end the day with a Guinness or Whiskey – the Irish are best at this. But not only this very special way of life makes the country so interesting. The fact that the Irish are very internet-friendly and look more and more online for partners for
After Virtual Reality has already reached the perception and offers many possibilities (also in the adult industry), now comes the “new big thing” which promises on the one hand fun for users and on the other hand a lot of potential for marketing and paid applications. After Mark Zuckerberg announced
It seems to be an adversary: the better the ad blockers become, the more inventive site operators are to display advertisements despite the blockers. This in turn inspires the ad blocker to further develop and so on. Now a new ad blocker has come to the market, which should not
Even if the weather is not so good in many countries especially in Europe – this weekend is already Easter! We wish all our webmasters, business partners and their families a beautiful and relaxing Easter celebration. Just turn the computer off, put smartphones and tablets aside and enjoy life. As
Easter is on the doorstep – you can go back, relax a bit and have fun. This is also possible with Google, because in the web search are some Eastereggs, which are worth exploring. So just take a break and try it yourself! Playing in the Google Search? Sure, why
Have you ever consciously looked at how many services and social media accounts you would like to work with? There are important key figures and trends that you should keep in mind especially for marketing. But this is not so simple, because all the numbers are located in different places