Get the Most out of your Landing Pages

Landing pages are a fundamental part of one’s successful online marketing mix, no matter what vertical is one involved in. Their goal is to always sell a concrete and exact offer, which would otherwise be difficult, if advertising the website as a whole. Of course you should do your best

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Also Google Makes Errors

Google is a huge, if not the biggest Company out there, so one hardly expects glitches and errors in their core business. But the evidence says otherwise, it appears that it was indeed an error, that made many SEO’s and website owners extremely frustrated. As has been already reported on

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Google Drive – Work Remote and Securely

Ever since the last couple of months, the importance on working effectively and combining a home office with regular office. What ma be challenging is how to best keep one’s documents accessible if one uses more than one workspace, or device. Google drive aka GSuite is a safe bet used

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