Category: Groupnews-EN

Total 627 Posts

Marketing is always psychology

Marketing is an incredibly complex topic. There are countless ways to bring our products to the customer, and it is precisely this diversity that makes it so difficult. Because just like us, many others try to attract the attention of the customers and so we try many techniques and don’t

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New features on Google Ads

Since Google AdWords became Google Ads, not much has happened in the service. Now there is a whole series of updates which makes it easier for advertisers to do their job. At the same time, Keyword Planner also has news to announce – and that too will be a positive

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Now comes AMP for emails!

Google is really serious about AMP – as evidenced by recent developments and efforts. Now it is a major step forward, because AMP for emails, which was first announced in February 2018, is now launched. The goal is to use AMP to make emails more interactive and, in many cases,

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Planning instead of chaos

Spring is here. With the rising temperatures, online life is brisk and customers spend a lot of time online looking for dates instead of being off-line. So it will not be boring at this time. The fact is that in the spring months it is generally a bit better, because

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Dating over the fridge? Also a niche …

Niche dating is always trendy – no question about it. But sometimes there are some niches used that have not been perceived as such. This shows again a new dating app, the algorithms and the neglected when it comes to bringing the singles to each other. Instead, they include the

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The US is waiting for you

What do you think of if given the opportunity too speak to nearly 50 million potential customers? Does that sound good? Of course it does! With your average conversion rate you can now hear that money till ringing in your ears, right? What seems like a beautiful dream can soon

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Firefox makes users harder to track

If you are like us all,selling products over the Internet and also does advertising for them, then you only need one thing above all else: data! Thanks to various analytic tools we learn everything worth knowing about the visitors of our websites and can see exactly who buys and to

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Happy birthday WWW

The World Wide Web has its birthday today and will be 30 years! Hard to believe that it is still so young – In today’s world can you imagine living or working without it? We’re online anytime, anywhere, using social networks, communicating via email and video chat, and getting all

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Cyber attacks are a big risk for businesses

It has never been so easy to hurt businesses and individuals. Almost everyone is vulnerable to the Internet, and so the news is not exactly astonishing that the threat of cyber-attacks on the Internet continues to grow. Whether DDOS attacks, phishing, cyber espionage or other: the possibilities are manifolding and

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