Category: Groupnews-EN

Total 627 Posts

HTML 5.1 is here!

What is good can also get better. This is how it looks with HMTL5. The web standard has set completely new milestones and has brought many innovations with it. But there were also some things that were missing or not quite as many users would have liked. Yesterday, the official

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Let the cash tills ring!

The world does not end at your own country borders, and it is especially important in the online business to orient itself in many directions and also to be active internationally. Especially our webmasters from Germany, who have been in business for many years, know how quickly a decision of

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New banners for MILFSuche!

We recently introduced our new niche offering As the name suggests, your users have the opportunity to meet with hot moms and married women. Many of our webmasters have asked for this niche and the offer will be used for the appropriate traffic. But an offer alone is not

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Kill Analytics wants to distort data

Those who actively work on websites, pursue a goal that ist dependent on one thing: data in the form of statistics. With tools like Google Analytics, Piwik and others, we analyze our visitors and their behavior on our websites. We would like to know how many visitors we have, where

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Password precepts hurt the conversion

Secure passwords should be self-evident these days. Too often, there are reports about hacks and user data, which are thereby circulating. Especially those who work online, logging on to many different services, should rely on different and secure passwords. But what is good for us is often bad for our

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Get ready for winter business!

The days become shorter and gray and the confectionery department in the supermarket also makes it clear: We are heading into winter. While some of us are stocking up with gingerbread and other winter treats, we prefer to stock up our advertising material to fill the coffers of our partners

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Make profile banner by yourself

Your new website goes live, there’s room for a nice banner, but somehow you find nothing that fits. And moreover you already have an accurate picture in your mind, of what this banner should look like – simply, using only the most important information – and that’s what currently nobody

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