Category: Groupnews-EN

Total 627 Posts

Canada loves online dating

Canada is a dreamland for many. The almost unbelievable expanse with a rather low population density attracts dropouts. Also for winter sports, Canada is known far beyond its borders. So far, however, hardly anyone knew: Canadians loves online dating as we offer it with imaXcash for this country. There are

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Mobile index is still delayed

Last year in October, some webmasters and SEO’s have become a bit stiff in the stomach. Google announced at the time that they are working hard on the search results and will launch soon a new index based on the mobile search – also for the desktop search! It was

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South Africa inspires the webmaster

The new offers for various countries have been available for some weeks now in imaXcash and have certainly inspired our webmaster. We have heard from a variety of talks, especially a country for (positive) surprises: South Africa! Most webmasters had not noticed this before. After the launch of the product

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More and more websites are hacked

It has never been so easy to create websites. Thanks to various content management systems (CMS), pre-built websites and one-click installations for hosting packages, virtually no knowledge is required to launch an offer. It would be desirable, however, when running the operation a bit of knowledge would be appropriated –

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Guetzli makes JPEG even slimmer

There are some image formats that are used for graphics online. Each of them have advantages and disadvantages and therefore requires a justification. A big advantage of JPEG files has always been the small file size – and thanks to the Google engineers you can further reduce this already small

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Overcoming language barriers

Internationalization does not stop in front of our industry either. For many years, many webmasters have relied on the distribution of their projects abroad and are looking forward to new target groups, more visitors and new sales potential. We also offer with imaXcash the opportunity to become active in more

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